Danny Collins is a documentary film editor specialising in stories of complex human drama.

Based near London.

Credits include:

9/11: Inside The President’s War Room 2021 BBC/Apple Original Films

A 90 minute single documentary by director Adam Wishart, exec Neil Grant. It reveals 9/11 from the perspective of President George W Bush and his inner circle, as they learn of unfolding events and make decisions that will take America into its longest war.

Winner: BAFTA editing factual 2022

Nominated: Emmy Awards, outstanding editing documentary

Winner: best documentary - Rose D’Or 2021 and Broadcast Awards 2022

Nominated: BAFTA best single documentary 2022

Nominated: British Film Editors, Cut Above Awards 2022

Louis Theroux 2002-2015 BBC2

Over a dozen films, directors include Stuart Cabb, Jason Massot, Emma Cooper, Tom Barrow and Paddy Wivell. Films include ‘Louis and The Nazis’, ‘Behind Bars’, ‘Gambling In Las Vegas’, ‘Edge of Life’, ‘Law and Disorder in Philadelphia’ and the 2015 BAFTA nominated ‘Transgender Kids’.

24 Hours In Police Custody 2017 Channel 4

1x60min director Toby Paton exec Simon Ford. Police investigate an attempted murder by a man wielding a fire extinguisher in the lift at the Hilton Hotel, Luton Airport.

BAFTA nominated factual series 2017

Life and Death Row: Episode 3 Crisis Stage 2014 BBC

1x60min, director Graeme McAulay exec Colin Barr. A law student from Houston University volunteers to help with the final appeals of two Texas death row inmates - Robert Pruett wins a stay, Robert Garza is executed.

BAFTA and RTS winning series 2015

Murder 24/7 2020 Expectation TV/BBC2

2x60min, director Jonny Ashton, exec Colin Barr. Essex Police investigate the murder of a homeless man in Colchester, a county lines gang is involved and witnesses are scared to come forward.

Paramedics: Britain’s Lifesavers 2020 Dragonfly/Channel 4

1x60min, director Clare Richards, exec Simon Ford. As the first wave of the pandemic approaches, the West Midlands Ambulance service recruits volunteers to help it cope.

The Paras: Men of War 2019 Avanti/ITV

2x60min, directors Nick Betts, Ross Haley and Jonny Ashton, exec Neil Grant. The brutal process of filtering out the weak and turning strong young men into soldiers for the elite British regiment.

Grenfell: Did The Fire Brigade Fail? 2019 Dispatches Channel 4

1x30min, director David Modell. An investigation into the fire brigade’s response with new evidence and witnesses.

Inside The Real Narcos 2018 Plum Pictures/Channel 4

3x60min producer Tom Pearson, exec Stuart Cabb. Former UK special forces soldier Jason Fox meets the narcos and members of the Sinaloa, Cali and Medellin Cartels he used to operate against. Filmed in Mexico, Colombia, Peru and The United States.

Inside The KKK 2015 Barcroft TV/Channel 4

1x60min, director Dan Vernon journeys into the largest chapter of the Ku Klux Klan in Missouri in the aftermath of race riots.

Modern Times: Weekend Warriors 2015 BBC2

1x60min, director Luke Sewell follows men along the Tough Mudder endurance event, they are all dealing with troubles of life and the event becomes a self punishment for some and metaphor for all of their struggles.

Wonderland: 2008-2011 BBC2

3x60min exec Nick Mirsky.

The 92 Year Old Danger Junkie Director Dan Vernon. Ron Cunningham is the world’s oldest stuntman in the last years and then the final days of his life, he still yearns for the fame that his stunts provide.

The Men Who Won’t Stop Marching Director Alison Millar explores Belfast’s Shankill Road more than 10 years after the end of the troubles. She follows members of a protestant band during the marching season and concentrates on 11 year old Jordan - a drummer from one of the most famous former paramilitary families on the estate.

Can We Get Married? Director Vanessa Stockley. Ben and Emma a twenty something couple with Down’s syndrome hope to marry - would getting married be stressful or the romantic dream they have always imagined?

18 With A Bullet 2006 BBC3

3x60min, director Ricardo Pollack, exec Charlotte Moore. An observational trilogy inside 18th Street Gang in San Salvador. The first film follows recruitment of teenagers into the gang. The second is the story of ‘Slappy,’ a killer on the run, who against gang rules struggles with drug addiction and is then caught by police for another murder. The third explores the complex politics of the gang in prison and how it controls the streets outside.

Smokey Dives, Jazz Faces and Places 2001 BBC2

1x60min, director Ian Denyer. George Melly and fellow musicians revisit the places of their adventures, 50s and 60s Jazz clubs in London’s Soho and other cities across England, they remember life on the road in times of great cultural change.

For a more extensive list of over 60 credits please refer to imdb.com

Languages: basic Spanish

Edit availability- Contact: danielcollins@mac.com +44 7785 547200

Edit consulting availability - contact: Jen Lane jen@thecuttingroom.io

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